Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Issues around the world : Corruption

Today I will start on a new series of issues around the world with Part 1 being Corruption.

Just days ago, I read on BBC that a man by the name of Anna Hazare. He stated on Tuesday that he wanted to go on a 'fast unto death' to protest against a "watered-down anti-corruption bill introduced by the Indian government

Why would he protest this?

The Lokpal Bill that was passed by the government was considered a 'bad Joke' by Anna Hazare and he begin his 'fast unto death' on last Tuesday and the whole country has since risen up in protest across the country.

Corruption in India.

Corruption has been rifle in India as it seems that you will need to pay a bribe to get most thing done there and recently the Delhi Commonwealth games has shown the size of corruption in this nation.

I personally feel that although India maybe a strong developing country, corruption is harming it from growing at an even faster speed that what they should be going at. I feel that corruption in India now has been affecting the fabric of the society and to eradicate the problem would be akin to trying to uproot a fully grown tree but as a saying goes ' A Journey of a thousand miles being with a first step' so it is never too late for it to occur.

In Conclusion

I feel that corruption hurts the poorest of the poorest the hardest and that for India to really become a developed country by 2020, they will need to firstly root out corruption and then the economic growth will then trickle down from the booming economy growth that India supposedly enjoys

London Riots: My Point of View

It was a week ago when I was horrified to know that there were riot going on in London, It all started with a man getting shot and then 'all hell broke loose' and everybody started looting and creating violence. It is reported that some inciting of this violence started due to social media site such as Facebook and Twitter and that there were a number of young people who were arrested recently such as a young man by the name of Jordan Blackshaw who is 21.

Now why is this happening?

Why would people whom are in this age group better known as Generation Y do such things?

It is because there is now a lack of moral value and standard that has been eroding our society over the past few years. This has led to the very reason as to why we are now having this type of issue and trouble with young adults who have trouble even following rule. An often-mentioned quote 'Rules are meant to be broken' would be a very apt way of describing why they would do such things and very often do not feel guilty about their actions. We have seen this during the riots in London when people would loot shops and later justify that 'we are doing this to get back at the rich'

FACT of a point is that 2 wrongs do not make a right!!

So What Next?

As this rule has been circumvent, we are no longer living under a structure that has been set where our borders are clearly marked out. We are now living in a time whereby, we are exploring what can be done without the security of a clearly marked out border which states what is right and wrong. This has led to the line being blurred between what is right and wrong and thus this has led to moral degradation in our current society.

To Be Continued in my Next Post..

Watch this space...

Sunday, August 14, 2011


This will be the first post of what my blog will be about and i will give a short introduction about myself.. I am 22.. which is part of the Generation Y, however i am very different from them as i have a strong point of view and mindset that i wish to express in the post to come. That is why this blog url link is word i have to say... I have decided to use my point of view to voice out how i feel about the current generation, the previous generation before us known as generation x and the generation that is after us. I have decided that staying silent and keeping my views to myself will not be the case any longer. I would also like to warn that this blog may be controversial and direct at times. With that i end this post